Not all calories are created equal: let’s talk macronutrients 🍎
The bottom line here is that not all calories are created equal, and that’s partly because of their calorie content but also how the different macros affect your body…and why protein is so magical!
“How many calories should I eat?” 🙅♀️
I hope this provides you with a little framework for thinking about your caloric needs and how you might tweak your intake according to your NEAT, the amount of muscle on your body and your workout intensity the day (or 2) before.
Exercise, meal timing & fat loss: The ✅ right & ❌wrong (but common) approaches
Most people - the experts included - are making a MASSIVE MISTAKE in the way they think about weight management when it comes to calorie intake, calorie burn and exercise.
Here it is: Matching food/calorie intake to overall activity level across an entire day.
💃🏼How to hit your epic protein target easily (without a ton of meat)! ✨
The science shows that simply increasing your protein intake (A LOT) promotes effortless fat loss…
Here’s an easy, affordable trick you can use to help both your waistline and your longevity without adding a silly amount of meat to your diet.
9 easy ways to improve your sleep (and your health!)🌙💤
It doesn’t matter how dialled in your nutrition and exercise are; if you don’t get enough sleep, your health will suffer.
And even when it IS a priority, many people struggle with sleep—whether it's falling asleep, staying asleep, or waking up too early.
Good thing there are lots of outside-the-box things you can do to improve your sleep…Here I share 9 of my favourite sleep-enhancing tips!
3 EASY tips for preventing holiday weight gain 🙌
Do these 3 little things, and you’ll feel better, less bloated, less stressed, lower your blood sugar and come out the other side a step ahead of the game when January rolls around.
Boost your brain, muscles, mood & s3x drive…by boosting your testosterone (naturally)
If you read my last post, you’ll know that testosterone is not just a male hormone - it’s super important for us ladies too!
And while taking supplemental can be a total game-changer for women with low levels, that’s not an option for everyone.
So here are some natural ways you can boost your testosterone.
Myths 3 & 4: Low s3x drive 💋 & testosterone in women
If once upon a time, you had a strong, fiery libido…
But now you’d rather just Netflix and chill…
You’re not alone.
This isn’t something most people talk about, but estimates are that about half of women in midlife struggle with low libido.
Hormone Myth #2: Hormone therapy causes cancer 😳
One of the most harmful misconceptions about hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is that it leads to cancer, particularly breast cancer.
This myth stems largely from an OLD, badly done study - the 2002 Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) study - which suggested a link between hormone therapy and cancer.
However, this study has been widely disproven and criticized for its terrible methodology.
Hormone Myth #1: Birth control is safe long-term.
Surprise! Contrary to popular belief, birth control methods do mess with your hormones—sometimes in ways you might not expect.
Take "the pill" and MOST hormonal IUDs, for example:
They contain synthetic, unnatural forms of progesterone called “progestins.”
The best nutrient for heart health ❤️
Cardiovascular disease is the number 1 killer of women in North America - well above cancer.
But there's good news here...
We can use preventative, lifestyle-based measures to help protect ourselves from it. (AKA - avoid statins!)
So, any time there's solid new science to support this, I listen up…and share with you, dear reader! So let’s go…
Estrogen & Your Mood 🫤
As your estrogen starts to fall in the middle/later stages of perimenopause, your mood can really suffer.
And if you’ve been skipping periods regularly, this is a tell-tale sign your estrogen has declined.
How to Lose Fat Without Losing Muscle
Spoiler: Don’t do it by cutting calories.
A big problem with traditional calorie-cutting methods for weight loss is that they often result in losing a large proportion of “lean mass,” which includes muscle, bone, and internal organs…
The goal should always be to preserve muscle while shedding fat. Here’s how.
The best “diet” (based on actual SCIENCE!)
The fundamental assumption underlying the ‘diet wars’, and most nutrition research, is that there is one specific, perfect diet that works for every single person…
This is absolutely incorrect. 🚫
How you manipulate your diet should depend on your metabolism, goals, and what you can stick to.
The FIRST signs of perimenopause!
Feeling moody, anxious or impatient? Having brain fog or trouble concentrating? Bad sleep, feeling achey, noticing shorter cycles or lighter flow? If you’re a woman 35+, you may be in perimenopause. Check out these top 10 tell-tale signs!
How To Boost Your Progesterone (Naturally)
Natural tips for women 35+ to support progesterone, the first hormone to start falling in our late 30s and early 40s as we enter perimenopause. The latest thinking a functional health expert and biomedical scientist.
Perimenopause - Part 3: Empower Yourself with Data!
How to smooth out the perimenopause transition? Start with getting to know your unique hormones - do some lab testing.
Perimenopause - Part 2: Navigating conversations with your doctor on hormones & HRT
So, say you know your hormones are shifting and you go to your family doctor… A few things to know, including why your doctor may wrongly advise against hormone replacement because it “increases cancer. risk” (False.)