Natural, cutting-edge lifestyle medicine,
junk debunked & insights that can truly make a difference in your life.
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Most people do one long, draining workout in an otherwise largely sedentary day…
Unfortunately, research shows that all that sitting around actually negates the benefits of that workout from a metabolic and cardiovascular standpoint! Eeek!
Here’s something better for your health, longevity and schedule!
This is one of my all-time favorite longevity tips!
It’ll also reduce your blood sugar, cholesterol, cortisol, inflammation, stress and long-term disease risk…
AND give you steadier energy all day and help you lose weight!
Knowing the difference between healthy and unhealthy stress is key to LASTING weight loss and a more joyful life...
Why? Because in our quest to lose weight, we turn “healthy” stressors that can be leveraged for fat loss unhealthy stressors that sabotage our progress…
Research shows that nearly 60% of women report anxiety & 44% experience depression in perimenopause due to hormone changes.
Why? Can SSRI’s help? Can hormones help?
The research shows that coffee has LOADS of health benefits - including cardiovascular and cogitnive…
AND, new research shows that - like many healthy habits - it turns out that the TIMING of when we drink coffee is the CRITICAL factor in reaping those amazing benefits.
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