Coffee for longevity: TIMING makes the difference! ☕️
The research shows that coffee has LOADS of health benefits - including cardiovascular and cogitnive…
AND, new research shows that - like many healthy habits - it turns out that the TIMING of when we drink coffee is the CRITICAL factor in reaping those amazing benefits.

9 easy ways to improve your sleep (and your health!)🌙💤
It doesn’t matter how dialled in your nutrition and exercise are; if you don’t get enough sleep, your health will suffer.
And even when it IS a priority, many people struggle with sleep—whether it's falling asleep, staying asleep, or waking up too early.
Good thing there are lots of outside-the-box things you can do to improve your sleep…Here I share 9 of my favourite sleep-enhancing tips!

Boost your brain, muscles, mood & s3x drive…by boosting your testosterone (naturally)
If you read my last post, you’ll know that testosterone is not just a male hormone - it’s super important for us ladies too!
And while taking supplemental can be a total game-changer for women with low levels, that’s not an option for everyone.
So here are some natural ways you can boost your testosterone.

The best nutrient for heart health ❤️
Cardiovascular disease is the number 1 killer of women in North America - well above cancer.
But there's good news here...
We can use preventative, lifestyle-based measures to help protect ourselves from it. (AKA - avoid statins!)
So, any time there's solid new science to support this, I listen up…and share with you, dear reader! So let’s go…

Light as Medicine - Part 2: Invisible & hidden forces at work
The light we don’t sense with our eyes plays crucial roles in our survival in fascinating ways recently revealed by science (hint: we can sense it through our skin!)

Sauna: a simple longevity tactic with a massive ROI!
TRULY one of the most profound tools in the longevity toolkit! The data are stunning…the closest thing we have to “exercise in a bottle” (or rather, a box).