Estrogen dominance: moodiness, weight gain, heavy period, high blood sugar/cholesterol...
Estrogen dominance is INCREDIBLY common in perimenopause and often starts EARLY in the journey (“phase 1 peri”, as I like to call it).
Good news: It is relatively straightforward to deal with.

Hormone Myth #2: Hormone therapy causes cancer 😳
One of the most harmful misconceptions about hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is that it leads to cancer, particularly breast cancer.
This myth stems largely from an OLD, badly done study - the 2002 Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) study - which suggested a link between hormone therapy and cancer.
However, this study has been widely disproven and criticized for its terrible methodology.

The FIRST signs of perimenopause!
Feeling moody, anxious or impatient? Having brain fog or trouble concentrating? Bad sleep, feeling achey, noticing shorter cycles or lighter flow? If you’re a woman 35+, you may be in perimenopause. Check out these top 10 tell-tale signs!

How To Boost Your Progesterone (Naturally)
Natural tips for women 35+ to support progesterone, the first hormone to start falling in our late 30s and early 40s as we enter perimenopause. The latest thinking a functional health expert and biomedical scientist.

Perimenopause - Part 3: Empower Yourself with Data!
How to smooth out the perimenopause transition? Start with getting to know your unique hormones - do some lab testing.

Perimenopause - Part 2: Navigating conversations with your doctor on hormones & HRT
So, say you know your hormones are shifting and you go to your family doctor… A few things to know, including why your doctor may wrongly advise against hormone replacement because it “increases cancer. risk” (False.)

Perimenopause - Part 1: Enough is ENOUGH
Whether you’re male or female, this is relevant to you and I hope you’ll read it and benefit. I’m writing this because, whether I know you or not, I care about you, and I don’t want you or any of your loved ones to suffer needlessly. It’s about damn time we put an end to the suffering.

What is perimenopause & WTH is happening to me?
Your perimenopausal body is your new body - here’s a brief introduction.