Myths 3 & 4: Low s3x drive 💋 & testosterone in women
If once upon a time, you had a strong, fiery libido…
But now you’d rather just Netflix and chill…
You’re not alone.
This isn’t something most people talk about, but estimates are that about half of women in midlife struggle with low libido.
Estrogen & Your Mood 🫤
As your estrogen starts to fall in the middle/later stages of perimenopause, your mood can really suffer.
And if you’ve been skipping periods regularly, this is a tell-tale sign your estrogen has declined.
How to Lose Fat Without Losing Muscle
Spoiler: Don’t do it by cutting calories.
A big problem with traditional calorie-cutting methods for weight loss is that they often result in losing a large proportion of “lean mass,” which includes muscle, bone, and internal organs…
The goal should always be to preserve muscle while shedding fat. Here’s how.
The FIRST signs of perimenopause!
Feeling moody, anxious or impatient? Having brain fog or trouble concentrating? Bad sleep, feeling achey, noticing shorter cycles or lighter flow? If you’re a woman 35+, you may be in perimenopause. Check out these top 10 tell-tale signs!